Property Details
Property Description
3 BR / 1 BA Single Family Home w/ containing 1,058 Sq Ft +/- built in 1900. Appraised $ 64,500.00 2/3 Min bid $ 43,000.00. Property must sell for 2/3 of appraised value. --- Online Only Offering with bids ending mid-day. See auction details for exact time. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Brokers welcome. Contact PSO for broker registration and co-op-info. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
The following described real property situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign and State of Ohio: Being all of Lot Number forty-seven (47) and part of a 15 foot alley Abandoned by City Ordinance Number 3322, in Plat B of James Addition to the City of Urbana, Ohio as shown and delineated in Plat Book B, Page 107, Champaign County Plat records and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin found in the Southwest corner of said Lot Number Forty seven (47); thence North 06 degrees 00' East 192.95 feet in the West line of said lot Number forty-seven (47) to an iron pin found; thence North 06 degrees 58' East 152.60 Feet in said West line of Lot Number forty-seven (47) to an iron bar set in the Northwest corner of said Lot Number forty-seven (47); thence South 81 degrees 03' East 196.00 feet in the North line of said Lot Number forty-seven (47) to an iron bar set in the centerline of said 15 foot alley, said point bears North 81 degrees 03' West 9.72 feet from an iron bar set in the Northeasterly corner of Lot Number forty-one (41) in said James Addition; thence South 48 degrees 27' West 203.75 feet in the centerline of said 15 foot alley to an iron bar set, said point bears North 40 degrees 53' West 7.50 feet from the Northwesterly corner of Lot Number forty-six (46) in said James Additions; thence South 04 degrees 44' West 179.65 feet to an iron pin found in the Southwest corner of Lot Number forty-six (46) in said James Addition, said point also being in the Southeast corner of said 15 foot alley; thence North 88 degrees 50' West 65.00 feet in the South line of said Lot Number forty-seven (47) to the point of beginning, said tract contains 0.7288 acre, more or less. Survey and description made June 25, 1977 by Benjamin H. Cartwright, Registered Surveyor #5456, Urbana, Ohio.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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