1050 Washington Avenue

4 bd|2 ba|2178 sqft

Auction Information

This auction is listed solely for informational purposes.

Bidding is located at:
The Judicial Sales Corp.

Property Details

Single Family

Legal Description

Part of Block 2 of Chouteau Place, a Resubdivision of part of A.E. Mills Subdivision as shown on the Plat thereof, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Madison County, Illinois in Plat Book 14 Page 25, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Southwest line of Pine Street with the Northwest line of Washington Avenue; thence Southwest along the Northwest line of Washington Avenue; a distance of 55 feet to a point; thence Northwest parallel with the Southwest line of Pine Street, a distance of 113 feet to a point; thence Northeast a distance of 55.95 feet to a point in the Southwest line of Pine Street, said last described point being 103 feet Northwest of the point of beginning (as measured along the Southwest line of Pine Street) thence Southeast along the Southwest line of Pine Street a distance of 103 feet to the point of beginning.


Foreclosure Details

Freedom Mortgage Corporation
Charonda R. White
Madison County Circuit Court
Philip B. Alfeld

Conditions of Sale

Auction will be held in-person. Please reach out to 

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This auction is listed solely for informational purposes.
Fri 4/14/2023 11:00 AM CDT