Property Details
Legal Description
Real Estate situated in the County of Madison, in the State of Ohio, and in the Township of Jefferson and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of the West Jefferson-Kiousville Road in Jefferson Township, Madison County, Ohio, said point being the most northerly corner to a 2.052 acre parcel surveyed for L.F. Bradfield; thence with said center line N. 38 deg. 30' E-180 feet; thence (passing an iron pin at 22 feet) S. 28 deg. 40' E- 639.30 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 86 deg. 39' W- 183.75 feet to an iron pin corner to said 2.052 acre parcel; thence with the east line of said parcel (passing an iron pin at 465 feet) N. 28 deg. 40' W- 490 feet to the beginning, containing 2.152 acres of land, more or less, V.M.S. -6654 in said township and is part of lands now in the name of L.F. Bradfield.
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