Property Details
Legal Description
Situate in the City of Mt. Healthy, Hamilton County, Ohio, in Section 32, Town 3, Entire Range 1, of Springfield Township, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Anna S. LaBoiteaux' Subdivision, a plat of which is recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 20, Hamilton County, Ohio Recorder's Office, said beginning point being the intersection of the alley lines as shown on the plat and is 155 feet south of Stevens Avenue and 116.12 feet east of Maple Avenue; Thence South 0 degree 54' East, 82.05 feet to a stone; thence South 0 degree 49' East, 181.91 feet to the real place of beginning for the tract herein described; thence from said real place of beginning, North 89 degrees 27' East, 124.95 feet to the west line of Werner Avenue, thence South 0 degrees 49' East, 70 feet; thence South 89 degrees 27' West, 124.95 feet; thence North 0 degree 49' West, 70 feet to the place of beginning. Together with any and all right, title and interest of the grantor herein in and to a tract of land six feet in width adjoining the above described tract immediately to the West.
Foreclosure Details
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