Property Details
Property Description
Subject property is a 4 BR / 2.50 BA Single Family Home w/ No Garage, containing 2,052 Sq Ft +/- built in 1997. Parcel number: 43-00012-000. Minimum Bid $ 13,333.33 . All auction end Wednesdays at 1PM. 5% buyer's premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. To earn a commission, Buyer referrals must be made to Auctioneer before prospective buyers make any contact with Auctioneer or register for bidding. Use link: This is a foreclosure situation. Property being offered by Private Selling Officer per the authorities granted in Ohio Revised Code 2329.152 . Information and photographs provided have come from public sources and is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Buyers are responsible for conducting their own due diligence to confirm property details before bidding. List Agent has not physically viewed the property and does not warrant information provided including, but not limited to, property condition. Due to the nature of the sale, interior inspections are not allowed. Cash sale only. The auction is subject to postponement and cancellation. No financing.
Legal Description
Situated in the Township of Washington, County of Belmont, State of Ohio, being part of the Northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 5, Range 4. Beginning for a description at a point on the North line of said Section 21, Township 5, Range 4, said beginning point being in Crabapple Creek, a 30" white oak on the Northwest corner of Section 21, Township 5, Range 4 Bears N. 89° 37' 43" West, 410.79 feet from said beginning point, thence with the North line of Section 21, Township 5 Range 4 S. 89° 37' 43" East 277.00' to a point in Crabapple Creek; thence leave section line and Crabpple Creek S. 0° 28' 29" West 94.00' to a railroad spike in Township Road 103, said railroad spike being the Northeast corner of a 8.306 acre tract of land recorded in Volume 620 page 329, thence with line of said 8.306 acre tract and in Township Road 103 S. 52° 29' 30" West 206.00 feet to a railroad spike, the Southeast corner of a 1.1924 acre tract recorded in Volume 598, page 639 of the Belmont County Records of Deeds; thence leave Township Road 103 and lines of the above mentioned 8.306 acre tract and with the line of the 1.1924 acre tract North 47° 04' 51" W. 205.00 feet to a point in Crabapple Creek, thence leave lines of the 1.1924 acre tract and with Crabapple Creek the following two (2) bearings and distances: 1) N. 29° 45' 34" East 75.00 feet; and 2) North 0° 22' 17" East 16.50 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.0697 acres. Except the right of way for Township Road 103, formerly the B.C. & Z Railroad, There is also excepted any previous exceptions for minerals and rights of way. Including that manufactured home more specifically described as a 1996 Dutch Homes Inc. having 2,052 Square feet, with Serial Number: DHMI17733YAB97201 and Certificate of Title No. 583445583446
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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