Property Details
Legal Description
Situated in the County of Butler in the State of Ohio and in the Township of West Chester: Lot Numbered One Hundred Eight (108) as the same is known and designated upon the recorded plat of Royal Oaks Subdivision, Third Addition, Block "B", located in Section Fifteen (15), Town Three (3), Range Two (2), West Chester Township, Butler County, Ohio, a plat of said subdivision being found in Envelope #704 C & D of the Plat Records of Butler County, Ohio.
Foreclosure Details
J.P. Morgan Mortgage Acquisition Corp.
Name(s) Unknown, the Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Adrien Nicole Gertz, AKA Adrien N. Gertz and their unknown spouses and creditors; and the unknown spouse of Adrien Nicole Gertz, AKA Adrien N. Gertz, John Doe(s),
Butler County Court of Common Pleas
Daniel Haughey
CV 2023 10 2079
Conditions of Sale
The plaintiff's current bid has been exceeded.
The auction has ended.
Wed 7/31/2024 1:00 PM EDT
Wed 8/7/2024 1:16 PM EDT
Wed 8/7/2024 1:13 PM EDT
Auction By

Richard F. Kruse