Property Details
Legal Description
Situated in the County of Lawrence, Township of Rome, and State of Ohio, Sec. 35, T.1., R.15, O.C.P. laying East of the center line of Paddy Creek Road as now laid out and travelled, and being a part of the lands now owned by Terry T. England, and described as follows: Beginning in the center of Paddy Creek Road and the N.W. corner of Wm. Brammer land; thence with the center of Paddy Creek Road N.W. a corner (S.W.) of the Terry T. England tract; thence on a straight line in an easterly direction, parallel with the Brammer line a distance of (232) two hundred and thirty two feet to a stone corner; the new established S.E. corner of Terry T. England tract; thence S.E. with the Ward line (65) sixty five feet, to the Brammer N.E. corner; thence following the Brammer line 230 feet to the place of beginning and containing (.20) twenty one hundredths of an acre, more or less, but subject to all highways.
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