7577 North Illinois Highway 37


Property Details

Single Family

Legal Description

Part of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 3 East of the 3rd P.M., Jefferson County, Illinois, lying West of Illinois State Route No. 37, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the West line of said Route No. 37 and the South line of the said SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 29, running thence Northerly along the West line of said State Route No. 37, 729.75 feet, thence West to the West line of said Quarter Quarter Section, thence South along the West line to the SW corner of said Quarter Quarter Section, thence East to the point of beginning, containing 2 acres, more or less; EXCEPT a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, State of Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section, located 109.83 feet westerly of the centerline of FAS 2869/IL RTE 37 at Station 246+50.91; thence North 89 degrees 23 minutes 21 seconds East along the South line of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 80.54 feet, to a point on the existing westerly right of way line located 30.00 feet Westerly of said centerline of Station 246+40.24; thence North 07 degrees 00 minutes 06 seconds East along the existing westerly right of way line a distance of 510.24 feet to a point on the existing westerly right of way line located 30.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 241+30.00, said point being the point of beginning for this description; thence North 82 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 35.00 feet to a point located 65.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 241,+ 30.00; thence North 07 degrees 00 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 207.88 feet to a point on the North property line located 65.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 239+22.12; thence North 88 degrees 48 minutes 01 seconds East along the North property line a distance of 35.36 feet to a point on the existing westerly right of way line located 30.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 239+17.07; thence South 07 degrees 00 minutes 06 seconds West along the Existing westerly right of way line a distance of 212.93 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.169 acres (7,364 sq. ft.) more or less. ALSO EXCEPTING a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, State of Illinois more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section, located 109.83 feet westerly of the centerline of FAS 2869/IL RTE 37 at Station 246+50.91; thence North 89 degrees 23 minutes 21 seconds East along the South line of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 65.41 feet, to a point located 45.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 246+42.25; said point being at the point of beginning of this description; thence North 07 degrees 00 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 42.25 feet to a point located 45.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 246+00.00; thence North 82 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 15.00 feet to a point located 60.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station.246+00.00; thence North 07 degrees 00 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 50.00 feet to a point located 60.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 245+50.00; thence South 82 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 15.00 feet to a point located 45.00 feet Westerly of said centerline at Station 245+50.00; thence North 07 degrees 00 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 150.00 feet to a point located 45.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 244+00.00; thence South 82 degrees,59 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 15.00 feet to a point on the existing westerly right of way line located 30.00 feet westerly of said centerline at Station 244+00.00; thence South 07 degrees 00 minutes 06 seconds West along the existing westerly right of way line a distance of 240.24 feet to a point on the South line of said Quarter Quarter located 30.00 feet Westerly of said centerline at Station 246+40.24; thence South 89 degrees 23 minutes 21 seconds West along the South line of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 15.13 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.1000 acres (4354 sq. ft.) more or less. Except however from all the above described all coal, oil, gas and other minerals underlying the surface thereof situated in Jefferson County, Illinois.


Foreclosure Details

U.S. Bank National Association
David J Halfacre Sr
Jefferson County Circuit Court
Presiding Judge
Mon 4/7/2025 10:00 AM CDT
Wed 4/9/2025 10:00 AM CDT
Postponed: This auction was postponed from an earlier date.

Auction By