Property Details
Legal Description
Parcel 1: That part of the Southwest Fractional Quarter of Section Number Thirty One (31) in Township Number Eighteen (18) North, Range Number One (1) East of the Fourth Principal Meridian lying North of the South of Flack and Bean Indian Boundary Line, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point One Hundred Eighty Five (185) feet North of the Flack and Bean Indian Boundary Line and Twenty Five (25) feet Westerly of the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Fractional Quarter of said Section Thirty One (31); thence run North Forty (40) feet; thence Westerly One Hundred Eighteen (118) feet; thence South Forty (40) feet; thence Easterly One Hundred Eighteen (118) feet to the place of beginning, situated in the City of East Moline, County of Rock Island, in the State of Illinois. Parcel 2: That part of the Southwest Fractional Quarter of Section Number Thirty One (31) in Township Number Eighteen (18) North, Range Number One (1) East of the Fourth Principal Meridian lying North of the South of Flack and Bean Indian Boundary Line, described as follows: Beginning at a point Two Hundred Twenty Five (225) feet North of the Flack and Bean Indian Boundary Line and Twenty Five (25) feet Westerly of the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Fractional Quarter of said Section Thirty One (31); thence run North Forty (40) feet; thence Westerly One Hundred Eighteen (118) feet; thence South Forty (40) feet; thence Easterly One Hundred Eighteen (118) feet to the place of beginning, situated in the City of East Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois.