Property Details
Property Description
3 BR / 2 BA Single Family Home w/ 2 Car Garage containing 1,366 Sq Ft +/- built in 2002. Appraised $ 141,000.00 2/3 Min bid $ 94,000.00. Property must sell for 2/3 of appraised value. --- Online Only Offering with bids ending mid-day. See auction details for exact time. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
Known as and Being Part of a 1.00 acre tract of Land Presently Owned by Sanford and Son Enterprises, Inc. as Recorded in Stark County Recorders' Image Number 200204260033963 of the Stark County Deed Records. Subject tract is Located in Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 11 (Plain Township), Range 8 in Stark County, Ohio and Being More Particularly Bounded and Described as follows: Beginning for the Same at a Point Marked by a 1 inch iron bar found, at the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of Said Section 6; Thence S 05? 25' 10" W on a Portion of the East Line of the Said Northwest Quarter Section and the Centerline of Burkey Avenue NW (T-218) (30 feet Wide) a Distance of 200.00 feet to a Point, Marked by a Cotton Gin Gear set and Being the true Place of Beginning for the tract of Land Herein to Be Described; Thence Continuing S 05? 25' 10" W on the Said East Line of the Northwest Quarter Section and Centerline of Burkey Avenue NW a Distance of 64.00 feet to a Point, Marked by a Cotton Gin Gear Set, at the Northeast Corner of a 0.82 acre tract of Land Now or Formerly Owned by D. and L. Shaub as Recorded in Recorder's Image Number 2000075139 of the Stark County Deed Records; Thence N 84? 58' 00" W on a Portion of the North Line of Said 0.82 acre D. and L. Shaub tract of Land, Passing Over a 1/2 inch iron bar set at 15.00 feet, a Total Distance of 165.00 feet to a Point, Marked by a 1/2 inch iron bar Set, at the Southeast Corner of a 1.00 acre tract of Land Now or formerly Owned by F. A. Beck as Recorded in Deed Volume 3630, Page 306 of the Stark County Deed Records; Thence N 05? 25' 10" E on a Portion of the East Line of Said 1.00 acre F. A. Beck tract of Land a Distance of 75.50 feet to a Point, Marked by a 1/2 inch iron bar Set; Thence S 75? 37' 42" E on a Common Line Between the Subject 0.2517 acre tract of Land, and a 0.2561 acre tract a Distance of 70.86 feet to a Point, Marked by a 1/2 inch iron bar Set; Thence S 84? 58' 00" E Parallel With the North Line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Continuing on Said Common Line Between the Subject 0.2517 acre tract of Land, and a 0.2561 acre Tract, Passing Over a 1/2 inch iron bar set at 80.00 feet, a Total Distance of 95.00 feet to a Point, Marked by a Cotton Gin Gear Set, on the East Line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6 in Plain Township, Being the true Place of Beginning and Containing 0.2517 acre of Land More or Less, of Which 0.0220 acre Is Within the Roadway Right-of-Way of Burkey Avenue NW. Note: Reference Direction for Bearing System Used in the Above Description Was Established From Recorder's Image Number 1998092234 of the Stark County Deed Records, Using S 84? 58' 00" E for the Centerline of Mt. Pleasant Street NW. as Surveyed the 20th Day of June, 2002 by Jerold E. Geib, Registered Surveyor No. 6725.
Foreclosure Details
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