Property Details
Property Description
5BR / 1 BA Single Family Home w/ containing 1,266 Sq Ft +/- built in 1940. Minimum bid $ 16666.67. Online Only Offering with bids ending mid-day. See auction details for exact time. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
Situated in the City of Galion, County of Crawford and State of Ohio: Being part of Outlot Number Five Hundred Five (515) of the consecutively numbered outlots of the City of Galion, Crawford County, Ohio and being more particularly described as follows: beginning for the same at a point which is the intersection of the south right of way line of Pine Street and the west right of way line of Elm Street; and which point is the northwest corner of Lot No. 2244; thence southerly along an extension of the west right of way line of Elm Street (west line of said lot) a distance of 8.01 feet to an iron marker which is the real point of beginning of the parcel herein described; thence with an interior angle of 91 degrees 23 minutes to the west a distance of 169.75 feet to a 3.31 foot diameter poplar tree on the east right of way line of the Penn Central Railroad; thence with an interior angle of 102 degrees 11 minutes 55 seconds to the south along the east right of way line of said railroad a distance of 272.45 feet to an iron marker; thence with an interior angle of 74 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds to the east a distance of 233.52 feet to an iron marker on the east line of Outlot No. 515; thence with an interior angle of 91 degrees 50 minutes to the north along the east line of said outlot a distance of 161.25 feet to a monument which is the southwest corner of Lot No. 2244; thence with an interior angle of 179 degrees 54 minutes 25 seconds to the north along the west line of said lot a distance of 91.99 feet to an iron marker which is the real point of beginning and containing 1.199 acres more or less but subject to all legal easements now on record. Together with an easement (right-of-way) for drive-way purposes over and across Inlot No. 2244 of the new and revised numbers of Inlots of the City of Galion, Ohio which easement is recorded in Volume 366, Page 387 of the Crawford County Deed Record Volumes.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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