Property Details
Property Description
3BR / 2 BA Single Family Home w/ containing 1,976 Sq Ft +/- built in 1999. Minimum bid $ 23333.33. Online Only Offering with bids ending mid-day. See auction details for exact time. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property. #PSOGuy
Legal Description
Situated in the State of Ohio County of Union, Township of Leesburg and bounded and described as follows; VMS 3693: Being Lot Number 7, in the Village of Pharisburg, P.B.2, page 34. Subject to all legal highways, restriction, easements, conditions, limitations and reservation of record and to zoning restrictions which have been imposed. Also portion of vacated alley in C.J. 44 Page 116. Also the following real property: Tract 1: The following described tract of land is situated in the State of Ohio, Union County, Leesburg Township, VMS 3693, being all of The Bank of New York Trust Company N.A.'s 0.50 acre tract 1 described in Official Record 744, page 630, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a MAG nail found at the intersection of centerline of State Route # 4 (60') with the centerline of State Route # 347; Thence North 25 deg. 15' 12" East 311.85 feet, following the State Route #4, to the southwest corner of said 0.50 acre tract and marking the point of beginning; Thence North 25 deg. 15' 12' East 103.07 feet, continuing along the centerline of State Route # 4 and the west line of said 0.50 acre tract, to a point; Thence south 75 deg. 12' 07" East 253.17 feet following the north line of said 0.50 acre tract, the south line of Irwin and Mary Combs' 0.166 acre tract described in Deed Volume 331, page 511 and the south line of Nevin R. and Mary Jean Smith's 7.5 acre tract described in Deed Volume 325, page 1, passing at 45.13 feet to an iron pin set, to an iron pin set; Thence South 07 deg. 30' 00" West 66.00 feet, following the east line of said 0.50 acre tract and the west line of said 7.5 acre tract, to an iron pin set in the north line of vacated alley (12') in the Village of Pharisburg, P.B. 2, page 34; Thence North 82 deg. 30' 00" West 282.55 feet, following the south line of said 0.50 acre tract, the north line of said vacated alley and the north line of The Bank of New York Trust Company N. A.'s Tract II described in Official Record 744, page 630 and the north line of said Village, passing at 247.90 feet an iron pin set, to the point of beginning, containing 0.509 acres, more or less and subject to all valid easements and restrictions of record. I, Timothy L. Guider, hereby certify that his description was prepared from an actual field survey made by me during the month of April 2008 and that monuments were placed as indicated herein. Iron pins set are 5/8" x 30" reinforcing rods with caps marked "Guider S 7752." Basis of Bearing; centerline of State Route #347 from a survey by Paul Clapsaddle dated September 24, 2002, S 82 deg. 30' 00" E. Tract II: Also, real estate Situated in the County of Union, in the State of Ohio, and in the Village of Pharisburg and in the Township of Leesburg and bounded and described as follows; VMS 3693: Being all of Lot No. 8 in said Village of Pharisburg, Ohio. Also 80 feet off the North side of Lot No. 29 in the Village. Also 60 feet off the North side of Lot No. 27 in said Village. The acreage indicated in the legal description is solely for the purpose of identifying said tract and is not to be construed as to insuring the quantity of land. Be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. P.B. 2, page 34.
Foreclosure Details
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