Property Details
Property Description
3BR / 1 BA Single Family Home w/ containing 1,492 Sq Ft +/- built in 1940. Minimum bid $ 30000.00. Online Only Offering with bids ending mid-day. See auction details for exact time. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property. #PSOGuy
Legal Description
Situated in the Village of Burton, County of Geauga and State of Ohio: Being a part of own plat Lot No. 51, and a part of Great Lot no. 45 in Burton Township and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Carlton Street and at the Northwest corner of land owned by Ina m. Stanton as recorded in Vol. 218, Page 27, of the Geauga County records of deeds; Thence S. 02? 15' 15" W. Along the West line of Stanton a distance of 662.69 feet to an iron pipe and passing an iron pipe set 25.0 feet from the center line of Carlton street; Thence N. 87? 39' E. A distance of 166.35 feet to an iron pipe; Thence N. 02? 15' 15" E. A distance of 456.69 feet to an iron pipe in the south Line of land owned by Oddie Bohanon as recorded in vol. 167, page 278, of the Geauga County Records of Deeds; Thence S. 87? 39' E. Along Bohanon's South line 54.7 feet to the Southeast corner of Bohanon and an iron pipe; thence N. 02? 15' 15" E. Along the East line of Bohanon 206.00 feet to the center line of the aforesaid Carlton street and passing through an iron pipe set 25.0 feet therefrom; Thence S. 87? 39' E. Along the center line of Carlton street 111.65 feet to the place of beginning, containing 2.27 acres of land as surveyed Nov. 1946, by Richard Sperry, registered Surveyor No. 1093. Be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
Foreclosure Details
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