Property Details
Property Description
Subject Property is a 3 BR / 2 BA Single Family Home w/ containing 2,097 Sq Ft +/- built in 1958. Minimum bid $ 83333.33. All auctions end Wednesday's at 1pm. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. Buyer agents must register with Auctioneer to earn commission. Contact Auctioneer for details. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
Situated in the Township of Troy, County of Geauga and State of Ohio: And known as being part of Section No. 21, within the said Township, known as Sublot No. 5 and described as follows: Beginning at the center line of Snow Road at a point which is North 4 degrees 00' East along said center line 783.15 feet from its intersection with the center line of Stafford Road; thence South 84 degrees 52' East through an iron pipe 30.01 feet from said place of beginning, a total distance of 600.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 4 degrees 00' East 145.25 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 84 degrees 52' West 600.00 feet to the center line of Snow Road and through an iron pipe 30.01 feet therefrom; thence South 4 degrees 00' West along said road center line 145.25 feet to the place of beginning, Containing 2.00 acres as surveyed in June, 1953 by T.R. Root, be the same more or less.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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