Property Details
Property Description
Subject Property is a 3 BR / 1 BA Single Family Home containing 1,556 Sq Ft +/- built in 1935. Minimum bid $80,000 . All auctions end Wednesday's at 1pm. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. Buyer agents must register with Auctioneer to earn commission at *** Information available has come from public sources and is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Buyers should conduct their own due diligence before bidding. Auctioneer/PSO has not physically viewed the property.
Legal Description
Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Licking, City of Newark and bounded and described as follows: Tract One: Parcel One: Being forty-five (45) feet off the south end of Lots Numbers Twelve Hundred Forty-six (1246) and Twelve Hundred Forty-seven (1247) in A. Flory's First Addition to the City of Newark, as will appear, reference being given to the Plat of said Addition recorded in Volume 2 of Plat Records at page 194. Reference is made to deed recorded in Volume 433 at page 640 of Deed Records. Parcel Two: Being Lots Numbered Twelve Hundred Forty-six (1246) and Twelve Hundred Forty-seven (1247) in A. Flory's First Addition to the City of Newark, as will appear, reference being given to Plat of said Addition recorded in Volume 2 of Plat Records at page 194, Excepting, however, 2321 square feet of land taken off of the north ends of the above described real estate conveyed by Ethol Brillhart Armstrong, widow, to the State of Ohio, by deed dated April 3, 1969, and recorded in Volume 645 at page 717 of the Deed Records of Licking County, Ohio. Reference is made to deed recorded in Volume 673 at page 516 of Deed Records. Parcel Three: Being Inlot Number 1248 in A. Flory's Addition to the City of Newark, as the same is delineated on the plat of said Addition, recorded in Volume 2 of the Plat Records of Licking County, Ohio, at page 194, Excepting that portion of the above said lot which was conveyed by the grantors herein to the State of Ohio by deed recorded in Deed Book 643, at page 624, Recorders Office, Licking County, Ohio, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 184.82 feet right of and radially from Station 140 40.14 in the centerline of a survey made in 1966 by the Ohio Department of Highways of State Route No. 16, Section 20.48 in Licking County (also known as the Newark Expressway), said point being the grantor's northwest property corner, said point also being in the southerly line of Locust Street; thence easterly along grantors northerly property line and said southerly line of Locust Street to a point 187.47 feet right of and radially from Station 140 82.90, said point being the grantors northeast property corner; thence southerly on grantors easterly property line to a point 230.10 feet right of and radially from Station 140 80.36; thence southwesterly to a point 245.51 feet right of and radially from Station 140 37.76, said point being in grantors westerly property line; thence northerly along said westerly property line to the point of beginning. It is understood that the strip of land above described contains 2433 square feet, more or less, exclusive of the present road which occupies 0.00 square feet, more or less. Description for this parcel is based on a survey made by or under the supervision of Oscar L. Wills, Registered Surveyor No. 5097. Tract Two: Being Lot Number 1249 in A. Flory's First Addition as shown on the plat recorded in Volume 2 at page 194, Plat Records of Licking County, Ohio. Excepting that part conveyed to the State of Ohio and subject to all rights granted to the State of Ohio by Deed dated March 27, 1969, and recorded in Deed Volume 645, at page 463.
Foreclosure Details
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