Property Details
Property Description
Subject Property is a 3 BR / 2.5 BA Single Family Home w/ 2 Car Garage containing 1698 Sq Ft +/- built in 1969. Parcel number K41630810000004000. Minimum bid $ 50,000. All auctions end Wednesday's at 1pm. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. Buyer agents must register with Auctioneer to earn commission at *** Information available has come from public sources and is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Photos are for marketing purposes only. Buyers should conduct their own due diligence before bidding. Auctioneer/PSO has not physically viewed the property.
Legal Description
Situate in the State of Ohio, County of Preble, and in the Township of Twin described as follows: Situated in the Northwest Quarter of Section Eight (8), Town Six (6) North, Range Three (3) East, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point located North 83 degrees 05' East, One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighteen and Eight Tenths (1918.8) Feet; Thence South 10 deg. 07' West, One Hundred Forty-Seven and Five Tenths (147.5) feet; Thence South 14 deg. 53' West, Two Hundred Seventy Eight and Four Tenths (278.4) feet; Thence South 0 deg. 42' East, Three Hundred Eighty-Six and Six Tenths (386.6) feet with the center of Glen Frank Road; Thence South 75 deg. 48' West, Forty-Five (45) feet from a stone at the Northwest corner of Section Eight (8); Thence from the beginning of this tract, and with the West right of way of said Road, South 16 deg. 54' East for Three Hundred Eighty-Nine and Fifty-One Hundredths (389.51) feet to the center of Shields Road; Thence South 71 deg. 18' West for Two Hundred Twenty-Nine and Twenty-Two Hundredths (229.22) feet to an Iron pin; thence North 12 deg. 57' West for Three Hundred Eighty-One and Fifty-Four Hundredths (381.54) feet to an Iron pin; Thence North 68 deg. 34' 11" East for Two Hundred Three and Forty-Six Hundredths (203.46) feet to an iron pin at the beginning of this tract, containing One and Nine Hundred Six Thousandths (1.906) acres more or less.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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