Property Details
Property Description
Subject Property is a 4 BR / 2 BA Single Family Home w/ 2 Car Garage containing 1712 Sq Ft +/- built in 1919. Parcel number 20-003-00-072-00. Minimum bid $ 46,000. All auctions end Wednesday's at 1pm. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. Buyer agents must register with Auctioneer to earn commission at *** Information available has come from public sources and is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Photos are for marketing purposes only. Buyers should conduct their own due diligence before bidding. Auctioneer/PSO has not physically viewed the property.
Legal Description
Situated in the City of Geneva, County of Ashtabula and State of Ohio: And being a part of a five acre parcel of land conveyed by Azro M. Tyler, Administrator to the said P. B. Waters by deed recorded November 18, 1899, Volume 158, Page 290 of said City Records of Deeds, and is bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning in the centerline of Lawn Street extending at the Southwesterly corner of a parcel of land this day conveyed by P. B. Waters and wife to George Hughes, thence Northerly along said Hughes' West line 165 feet; thence Westerly parallel with the centerline of Lawn Street extended 201 feet more or less, to a stake; thence to the Northeasterly corner of lands formerly owned by Estella Baning; thence Northerly parallel with the East line of this parcel 165 feet to the centerline of Lawn Street, ext.; thence Easterly along the centerline of Lawn Street extended 201 feet more or less in width and extending back between parallel lines 165 feet. Excepting and reserving therefrom the following described property to-wit: Beginning in the centerline of Lawn Street, ext., and at the Southwesterly corner of a parcel of land conveyed by P. B. Waters and Alma Waters to L. A. Call by deed recorded October 2, 1923, in Volume 268, Page 173 of Ashtabula County Records of Deeds; thence running Northerly along the West line of land so conveyed by said Waters to said Call, 165 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said parcel of land so conveyed; running thence Easterly about parallel with the center of Lawn Street, ext., 40 feet; running thence Southerly parallel with the Westerly line herein described 165 feet to the center of Lawn Street, ext.; running thence Westerly 40 feet to the place of beginning, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Excepting and reserving therefrom a parcel of land conveyed from Laura Davis, wife of Roy Davis to Willis Robert Pearson and Faye H. Pearson by Warranty Deed dated August 27, 1948, filed for record September 10, 1948, in Volume 423, Page 325 of Ashtabula County Deed Records and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the centerline of what is known as Lawn Street and also marking the Southeast corner of lands now or formerly owned by W. S. and E. H. Fuller; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of lands of said Fuller and passing through a gas pipe monument set 20 feet Northerly from the centerline of said Lawn Street a total distance of 165 feet to a gas pipe monument; thence Easterly parallel with the centerline of said Lawn Street a distance of 60 feet to a gas pipe monument; thence Southerly parallel with the Easterly line of lands of said Fuller a distance of 165 feet to the centerline of said Lawn Street; thence Westerly along the centerline of said Lawn Street a distance of 60 feet to the place of beginning and containing within said boundaries 204/1000 acres of land, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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